Condiments and Bread Spreads
GI | Name of product / food | GL | Unit | Mass (g) | Comments | |
Low | Barbecue sauce, Carb Smart | <5 | 2 Tbs | 30 | Estimated GL; GIFSA & DSA | |
Low | Braai relish, tinned, Miami | <5 | 1/4 tin | 100 | Low glycemic response; calculated GL | |
Low | Chutney, Carb Smart | <5 | 2 Tbs | 35 | Estimated GL; GIFSA & DSA | |
Low | Green jalapeno & apricot salad dressing, Thistlewood | <5 | 2 Tbs | 30 | Low Glydemic Response | GF |
Low | Olive & feta salad dressing, Thistlewood | <5 | 2 Tbs | 30 | Low Glydemic Response | GF |
Low | Roquefort & cucumber salad dressing, Thistlewood | <5 | 2 Tbs | 30 | Low Glydemic Response | GF |
Low | Sweet chilli sauce, Carb Smart | <5 | 2 Tbs | 30 | Estimated GL; GIFSA & DSA | |
Low | Tomato & onion mix, gourmet, tinned, Miami | <5 | 1/4 tin | 100 | Low glycemic response; calculated GL | GF |
Low | Tomato sauce, Carb Smart | <5 | 2 Tbs | 30 | Estimated GL; GIFSA & DSA | |
Low | Cherry jam, made with fruit and sorbitol, Thistlewood | <5 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | Calculated GI | GF |
Low | Marmalade, made with citrus and sorbitol, Thistlewood | <5 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | Calculated GI | GF |
Low | Raspberry jam, made with fruit and sorbitol, Thistlewood | <5 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | Calculated GI | GF |
Low | Strawberry jam, made with fruit and sorbitol, Thistlewood | <5 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | Calculated GI | GF |
Low | Gooseberry jam, made with fruit and sorbitol, Thistlewood | <5 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | Calculated GI | GF |
Low | Apricot jam, made with fruit and sorbitol, Thistlewood | <5 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | Calculated GI | GF |
Low | Hummus, low fat* | <5 | 4 Tbs | 60 | Australian GI | |
Low | Nutella, hazelnut chocolate spread*, Ferrero | <5 | 1 level Tbs | 20 | Australian GI | |
Low | Marmalade, Seville, low GI, Thistlewood | <5 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | GF | |
Low | Marmalade, orange, regular | <10 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | Australian GI | GF |
Low | Jam, apricot, low GI, Thistlewood | <5 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | GF | |
Low | Chutney, fruit | <10 | 2 Tbs | 35 | Estimated GI; average nutri values | |
Low | Jam, strawberry, low GI, Thistlewood | <5 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | GF | |
Low | Jam, strawberry, Weighless | <5 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | GF | |
Low | Tomato sauce, no thickener e.g. All Gold | <5 | 2 Tbs | 30 | Estimated GI | GF |
Medium | Liviana Honey | <10 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | Portion tested low glycemic response. ACTIVE FOODS endorsed | GF |
Medium | Jam, made with grape juice concentrate | <10 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | GF | |
Medium | Honey, raw | <10 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | GF | |
Medium | Jam, homemade (at least 50% fruit) | <10 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | Calculated GI; average nutri values | GF |
Medium | Syrup, golden | <10 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | Australian GI | GF |
Medium | Honey, commercial | <20 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | Australian GI; honey blend | GF |
Medium | Sweet chilli sauce | <10 | 2 Tbs | 36 | Caculated GI | |
High | Cornflour / corn starch / maizena | <5 | 1 Tbs | 7 | Estimated GI, probably higher | GF |
High | Gravy powder (e.g. Bisto, Gravo) | <5 | 1 Tbs | 8 | Estimated GI; will increase with cooking | |
High | Jam, commercial, average | <10 | 1 heaped tsp | 20 | Estimated GI; contains glucose, sugar and fruit | GF |
Get The South African Glycemic Index & Load Guide for comprehensive explanations, GI-lists, GL-values and the fibre, fat, protein and Kj-values.
A true Low GI food releases glucose slowly and steadily into the bloodstream without overstimulating the pancreas to produce too much insulin. A High GI food, on the other hand, causes a sudden, large increase in blood glucose, resulting to either hyperglycaemia in Diabetics or hypoglycaemia in hypoglycaemics. GI of Glucose = 100
One of the services that we render as the GI Foundation, is to determine the GI of food products. Food companies are welcome to contact us for more information.
The products marked by an * are high in fat.
GF – means gluten free.
GI Foundation SA Endorsed: The product comply with health specifications and are nutritious for healthy and diabetic persons.