Dairy Products

GIName of product / foodGLUnitMass (g)Comments
LowMilk, medium fat or 2%*<51 cup250 GF
LowYoghurt, low fat, sugar free<51 small tub175Australian GI
LowYoghurt, plain, low fat (Average)<51 small tub175Average GI GF
LowYoghurt, plain, medium fat, Bonlé<51 small tub175GI Foundation SA-Endorsed, GF
LowYoghurt, black cherry (fruit), fat free, Fabulite, Lactalis
<51 small tub100GI Foundation SA-Endorsed
LowButtermilk** <51 cup250Mostly full cream in SA; check labels; high fat GF
LowMilk, full cream**<51 cup250High fat GF
LowYoghurt, black cherry, low fat, Bonlé<101 small tub175GI Foundation SA-Endorsed
LowYoghurt, peach, low fat, Bonlé<101 small tub175GI Foundation SA-Endorsed
LowMilk, skim or fat free<51 cup250 GF
LowYoghurt, granadilla, medium fat, sweetened, Bonlé<101 small tub175GI Foundation SA-Endorsed
LowYoghurt, plain, fat free, Fabulite, Lactalis<101 small tub175GI Foundation SA-Endorsed GF
LowYoghurt, strawberry, low fat, Bonlé <101 small tub175GI Foundation SA-Endorsed
LowYoghurt, fruit, low fat, sweetened, average<201 small tub175World average GI
LowYoghurt, muesli, medium fat, Bonlé<101 small tub175GI Foundation SA-Endorsed
LowYoghurt, toffee, medium fat, Bonlé <101 small tub175GI Foundation SA-Endorsed
LowYoghurt, vanilla, medium fat, Bonlé<101 small tub175GI Foundation SA-Endorsed
LowCustard, egg, homemade (low fat milk, egg and sugar)*<101/2 cup125Australian GI GF
LowYoghurt, vanilla (smooth), fat free, Fabulite, Lactalis<51 small tub100GI Foundation SA-Endorsed
LowDanone Ultramel Zero Custard<51/2 cup125GI Foundation SA-Endorsed GF
LowSoya milk (whole soya) with maltodextrin*<101 cup250Average values GF
LowCustard, homemade (low fat milk, custard powder and sugar)<101/2 cup 125Australian GI
LowSoya milk powder, low fat (whole soya)*<101 cup250Tested by GI Science Lab GF
LowIce cream, Dialicious - DairyMaid<103 scoops75GI Foundation SA-Endorsed GF
LowIce cream, low fat*<103 scoops75Average nutritional values
LowSoy yoghurt, flavoured<201 small tub125Australian GI
LowYoghurt, strawberry (fruit), fat free, Fabulite, Lactalis<51 small tub100GI Foundation SA-Endorsed
IntermediateCondensed milk, full cream<101 heaped tsp20Australian GI GF
IntermediateIce cream, regular** e.g. Country Fresh vanilla<203 scoops75High fat
HighRice milk<301 cup250Average GI; note the high GL GF

Dairy Based Beverages

GIName of product / foodGLUnitMass (g)Comments
LowChoco drink powder, Sweetly, dry (or with water)<53 tsp20Low Glycemic Response; calculated GL, GIFSA & DSA
LowFooty's, powdered fruit flavoured drink, all flavours<515g + 450ml15Low Glycemic Response; estimated GL; GIFSA
LowFrappe powder, all flavours (45 g powder in 300 ml water), Shloop<101 tall glass rtd45Low Glycemic Response; estimated GLGF
LowHot chocolate powder, skinny, Nomu, dry (or with water)<51 heaped tsp6Low glycemic reponse; GIFSA & DSAGF
LowFlavoured milk, sugar free, medium fat* (average)<101 bottle300
LowCocoa powder, dry (or with water)<51 Tbs6Estamited GIGF
LowDiasip drink**, strawberry, vanilla, Nutricia<101 tetra pack200GIFSA & DSA
LowChoco drink, Sweetly, in skim milk<520g + 200ml220Calculated values; GIFSA & DSA
LowHot chocolate, skinny, Nomu, in skim milk <56g + 250ml256Calculated valuesGF
LowChocolate milk, sweetened, medium fat* e.g. Super M<101 bottle250Ideal for carbo-loading
LowFlavoured milk, sweetened, medium fat* (average)<201 bottle300Average GI
LowMilo, in medium fat milk* (no sugar added)<101 cup rtd258Australian GI
LowNesquik, chocolate, in low fat milk*, Nestlé<101 small glass rtd262Australian GIGF
LowActive drink, dairy snack*, milky chocolate, Clover<101 bottle250GIFSA & DSA
LowActive drink*, dairy snack, vanilla caramel, strawberry banana, Clover<201 bottle 250Estimated GI; GIFSA & DSA
LowNesquik, strawberry, Nestlé, in low fat milk<201 small glass rtd262Australian GIGF
LowMilo, ready to drink*, tetrapack, Nestlé<201 box200
LowMilo, powder, Nestlé<52 heaped tsp8
LowNesquik, chocolate, powder, Nestlé<52 heaped tsp12Australian GIGF
MediumNesquik, strawberry, powder, Nestlé<102 heaped tsp12Australian GIGF

Get The South African Glycemic Index & Load Guide for comprehensive explanations, GI-lists, GL-values and the fibre, fat, protein and Kj-values.

A true Low GI food releases glucose slowly and steadily into the bloodstream without overstimulating the pancreas to produce too much insulin. A High GI food, on the other hand, causes a sudden, large increase in blood glucose, resulting to either hyperglycaemia in Diabetics or hypoglycaemia in hypoglycaemics. GI of Glucose = 100
One of the services that we render as the GI Foundation, is to determine the GI of food products. Food companies are welcome to contact us for more information.
The products marked by an * are high in fat.
GF – means gluten free.
GI Foundation SA Endorsed: The product comply with health specifications and are nutritious for healthy and diabetic persons.