Flour Products

GIName of product / foodGLUnitMass (g)Comments
LowGlucaChol-22, instant vanilla drink + oat beta-glucan, @Life<515g + 250ml15Low Glycemic Response; estimated GL; GIFSA
LowGlucaChol-22, Instant strawberry drink + oat beta-glucan, @Life<515g + 250ml15Low Glycemic Response; estimated GL; GIFSA
LowGlucaChol-22, instant chocolate drink + oat beta-glucan, @Life<515g + 250ml15Low Glycemic Response; estimated GL; GIFSA
LowGlucaChol-22, original, oat bran + oat beta-glucan, @Life <515g 15Low Glycemic Response; estimated GL; GIFSA
LowDigestive bran / wheat bran<51 cup44Minimal effect on glucose absorption
LowGreen banana flour<51/3 cup30Tested GI; lowers GI of baking recipes; GIFSA & DSAGF
LowPsyllium husks (powder)<51 cup140Estimated GIGF
LowQuinoa bran<51 cup50Estimated GIGF
LowRice bran** <51 cup 40High fat; estimated GIGF
LowMesquite powder / flour<201 cup150Estimated GI from biscuits made with mesquite powderGF
LowSoya flour, full fat***<201 cup160French GI; high fatGF
LowSoya flour, lower fat**<201 cup160French GI; lower fatGF
LowCocoa powder<51 Tbs6Estamited GIGF
LowChickpea flour (besan)**50>1 cup160Estimated GIGF
LowSplit pea flour, pea flour, dhal or chana<301 cup160Estimated GIGF
LowOats, rolled, thick flake, raw, Afya<101/3 cup30GIFSA
LowOat bran, raw, Jungle or Pick 'n Pay or Simply Cereal<101/3 cup33
MediumOats, rolled, raw<201/3 cup30Australian GI; lower GI with milk
MediumSweet potato flour50>1 cup150GF
MediumRye flour50>1 cup140GI based on that of wheat free rye bread
MediumBarley, rolled, raw<301/2 cup45Australian GI
MediumBarley flour50>1 cup148Estimated GI from 100% barley flour bread
MediumBrown rice flour50>1 cup120Estimated GIGF
MediumBuckwheat flour*50>1 cup140Australian GIGF
MediumQuinoa flour**50>1 cup140Estimated GIGF
HighMaizena or cornflour or corn starch <51 Tbs7Estimated GI, probably higherGF
HighMaizena or cornflour or corn starch 50>1 cup140Estimated GI, probably higherGF
HighNutty wheat flour / whole wheat flour50>1 cup120Estimated GI, probably higher
HighBread (wheat) flour50>1 cup140GI based on that of average white bread
HighCake (wheat) flour50>1 cup140GI based on that of average white bread
HighTapioca flour50>1 cup170Estimated GIGF
HighRice flour50>1 cup140Estimated GIGF
HighCrumbs, Kellogg's <102 level Tbs15GI based on Kellogg's Corn Flakes
HighPotato flour50>1 cup140Montignac GIGF
HighPotato starch50>1 cup160Montignac GIGF
HighSago flour50>1 cup170Estimated GIGF
HighMillet flour*50>1 cup140Estimated GI; very high GIGF

Get The South African Glycemic Index & Load Guide for comprehensive explanations, GI-lists, GL-values and the fibre, fat, protein and Kj-values.

A true Low GI food releases glucose slowly and steadily into the bloodstream without overstimulating the pancreas to produce too much insulin. A High GI food, on the other hand, causes a sudden, large increase in blood glucose, resulting to either hyperglycaemia in Diabetics or hypoglycaemia in hypoglycaemics. GI of Glucose = 100
One of the services that we render as the GI Foundation, is to determine the GI of food products. Food companies are welcome to contact us for more information.
The products marked by an * are high in fat.
GF – means gluten free.
GI Foundation SA Endorsed: The product comply with health specifications and are nutritious for healthy and diabetic persons.