Endorsement Specifications
(Low fat Low GI) |
(Lower fat Low GI) |
(Lower/Medium Fat Intermediate GI or Medium fat Low GI) |
BEST AFTER/WITH (Red) (Lower fat High GI or
Maximum quantities allowed
Frequent Foods (Green+)
Fat: 1.5g/100ml (milk, milk drinks, yogurt and frozen desserts) Saturated Fat : Trans fats: no added Mono-unsaturated fatty acids: Cholesterol: Sodium: Fibre: N/A Protein: N/A Caffeine; 15mg/100 ml (milk based drinks) Fructose: 0g added Sugar alcohols and non-digestible oligosaccharides: 5g (milk, milk drinks and yogurt) GI: 0-40 GL: 6 (milk, milk drinks, evaporated milk, yoghurt and yoghurt drinks and frozen desserts)
Often Foods (Green)
Fat: 2g/100ml (milk, milk drinks and yogurt), Saturated: Trans fats: no added Mono-unsaturated fatty acids: Cholesterol: Sodium: Fibre: N/A Protein: N/A Caffeine; 15mg/100 ml (milk based drinks) Fructose: 0g added Sugar alcohols and non-digestible oligosaccharides: GI: 0-55 GL: 10 (milk, milk drinks, evaporated milk, yoghurt and yoghurt drinks and frozen desserts)
Sometimes Foods (Orange)
Fat: 2g/100ml (milk, milk drinks and yogurt), Saturated Fat and trans fatty acids: Trans fats: no added Mono-unsaturated fatty acids: Cholesterol: Sodium: Fibre: N/A Protein: N/A Caffeine; 15mg/100 ml (milk based drinks) Fructose: 0g added Sugar alcohols and non-digestible carbohydrates: GI: 56-69 GL: 13 (milk, milk drinks, evaporated milk, yoghurt and yoghurt drinks) |
Best with Exercise (Red)
Fat: 2g/100ml (milk, milk drinks and yogurt), Saturated Fat and trans fatty acids: Trans fats: no added Mono-unsaturated fatty acids: Cholesterol: Sodium: Fibre: N/A Protein: N/A Caffeine; 15mg/100 ml (milk based drinks) Fructose: 0g added Sugar alcohols and non-digestible carbohydrates: GI: 56-69 GL: 13 (milk, milk drinks, evaporated milk, yoghurt and yoghurt drinks) |
Compiled by Liesbet Delport RD (SA) and Gabi Steenkamp RD (SA)
1. Augustin LS, Dal Maso L, La Vecchia C, Parpinel M, Negri E, Vaccarella S, et al. Dietary glycemic index and glycemic load and bread cancer risk: as case-control study. Ann. of Onc 2001; 12: 1533–1538.
2. Bowman BA, Forbes AL, White JS and Glinsmann WH. Introduction (to fructose). Am J Clin Nutr 1993; 58: 721S – 723S.
3. Ascherio A. Epidemiologic Studies on Dietary fat and Coronary Heart Disease. Am J Med 2002; 113 (supp 9B): 9S – 12S.
4. Brynes AE, Edwards CM, Ghatei MA, Dornhorst A, Morgan LM, Bloom SR, et al. A randomised four-intervention crossover study investigating the effect of carbohydrates on daytime profiles of insulin, glucose, non-esterified fatty acids and triacylglycerols in middle-aged men. Br J Nutr 2003; 89: 207–218.
5. Hu FB, Frank et al. Dietary Fat Intake and the risk of Coronary Heart disease in women. N Engl J Med 1997; 333: 1491-1499.
6. Liu S, Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Hu FB, Franz M, Sampson L, et al. A prospective study of dietary glycemic load, carbohydrate intake and risk of coronary heart diease in US women. Am J Clin Nutr 2000; 71(6): 1455-1461.
7. Salmeron J, Ascherio A, Rimm EB, Colditz GA, Spiegelman D, Jenkins DJ, et al. Dietary fibre, glycemic load and risk of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in men. Diab Care. 1997a; 20(4): 545–550.
8. Salmeron J, Manson JE, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Wing AL & Willett WC. Dietary fibre, glycemic load and risk of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in women. J Am Med Ass. 1997b; 277(6): 472-477.